It results in a more clean and organized Desktop which doesn’t scare people away when they look at it. Your productivity files can go into a stack called productivity and your other files can go to any other stack as you want them to be. It can be used to group similar icons on the desktop into stacks of icons. To make it more arranged and tidy, you can use the new stacks feature that is introduced by Apple in MacOS Mojave. The desktop becomes quite cluttered after dropping all the important files and folders there. If you are the type of Mac user who drags and drops all the things they find interesting and important for work on the Desktop, this feature is for you. The new MacOS Mojave is also aimed at making the Desktop of the user cleaner and arranged by introducing a feature called Desktop Stacks. Want Light mode with a Dark Menu Bar and Dark Dock? Here is how you can enable that in MacOS 10.14 onward: Go to the Apple menu and choose “System Preferences” Select the “General” preference panel and under the Appearance section choose the “Light” mode theme in Mac OS.

In case you’re wondering, minimizing Windows to the dock is not reliable on this one either but it works sometimes at least.Note: Make sure the apps you want to use in Split View are in fullscreen, else, it won’t work. It’s quite straightforward to trigger Split View using Mission Control. How to Enter Split View Using Mission Control on Mac.Next to add any app, drag the app’s icon from your desktop and then put it in the Dock, to remove any application, drag it out from Dock. Once you install Aqua Dock, follow the on-screen instructions, and once it is installed, Dock will appear on the bottom of your display. How to get macOS like Dock on Windows 10 1 Aqua Dock.You should also check out these cool Windows taskbar tips and tricks for a better experience.

These docks not only look beautiful but are also highly customizable.

Try them to easily access your favorite apps. The following 2 Mac OS like docks hugely resembles the one found on Apple’s computers.